Want to see HDRI Link in Action? Check out all of our HDRI Link Training Videos HERE! Feature List What’s Renderers Does HDRI Link work with? A third-party Cinema 4D renderer that supports Image Based Lighting (Arnold, Octane, Cycles4d, etc).HDRI Link supports ONLY Greyscalegorilla HDRI Expansion Packs.Want it ALL? Get HDRI Link and ALL of our HDRI Expansion Packs with the HDRI Link Suite What’s Required? Once you use HDRI Link, you won’t believe how fast it is to try out new Lighting and Reflections for your Cinema 4D Scene. HDRI Link gets you started with 20 Sample HDRIs, but is expandable to over 300 unique HDRIs with our HDRI Expansion Packs! We combined 5 years of experience making HDRI workflows as simple as possible with Cinema 4D and have finally brought it to Octane, Arnold, And other Third Party Renders. Speed up your Lighting workflow in Arnold, Octane and other third party renderers with HDRI Link from Greyscalegorilla.